Kriegsmaschine - Enemy Of Man 20141. None Shall See Redemption 8:34
2. Lies of the Fathers 6:32
3. Farewell to Grace 7:44
4. Asceticism and Passion 8:45
5. To Ashen Havens 7:24
6. Enemy of Man 7:35
Kriegsmaschine - Apocalypticists (2018)1. Residual blight 07:21
2. The pallid scourge 07:50
3. Lost in liminal 07:19
4. Apocalypticists 07:14
5. The other death 11:21
6. On the essence of transformation 09:09
Kriegsmaschine - Altered States Of Divinity (2005)1. Ma'aseh Bereshit 04:47
2. Altered States Of Divinity 06:35
3. Through The Eyes Of The Blind 04:54
4. Beyond The Veil 05:13
5. Prism 04:23
6. Nihilation 08:59
7. Kerigma 02:23